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Thanks to an active intervention program, at Whangarei Heads we really do have kiwi in our backyard.

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November 12th, 2012

10 years Action on the Ground-Celebrated

The McLeod Bay Hall was packed when the Whangarei Heads community recently gathered to celebrate 10 years of landcare with the Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum..
Philip King, chair of the WHLF acknowledged that Whangarei Heads has always been a special place, with special people prepared to stand up and work for the area. The Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum acts as a platform for groups and individuals working on landcare projects in the area.

Whangarei Heads Landcare group representatives

“It’s amazing to see the breadth and range of projects that have been carried out over the past decade. Nearly 100,000 native plants have been planted from local & community nurseries. Thanks to our possum control we are getting to the stage where we can boast that there are more kiwi than possums at the Heads. Massive weed control efforts mean that the Heads no longer has the dubious honour of being the ‘Weed Capital of New Zealand.’ And over 500 mustelids have been trapped. This, along with good dog control has grown our kiwi population from just 80 in 2002 to at least 400 now,” Philip told those gathered there..

Peter Harding -Weed group

Richard Thompson, Chair of the NZ Landcare Trust also congratulated the gathering, noting that they were one of the first Landcare groups to form in New Zealand. He paid tribute to the sheer effort, dedication, commitment and passion that had been poured into each and every achievement by all those present.
The efforts and achievements of the eight project groups that currently comprise the forum were all recognised. Each in turn acknowledged the WHLF for provision of a platform of support, coordination and, communication. Many other individuals also contribute to keeping Whangarei Heads the special place it is.

The 10 year celebration was marked with the release of two more Backyard Kiwi prints. Heather Hunt’s unique and evocative prints are now spread far and wide throughout the world, a true ambassador for the Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum Backyard Kiwi Project and what can be achieved with community commitment. Now the Calling Kiwi and Foraging Kiwi can be added to collections.

New print -- Calling kiwi


New print - Foraging kiwi

A newly released childrens book called ‘KIWI – the real story’ written by Anne-Marie Florian with illustrations by Heather Hunt was also celebrated. This much awaited vibrant children’s picture book was inspired by kiwi living and breeding at Whangarei Heads

KIWI the real story - Heather Hunt and Annemarie Florian

“A decade is a long time for a community group to maintain its enthusiasm, drive and commitment. We were thrilled to have the hall packed with local people having a much deserved celebration after years of hard work,” concluded Philip.
For more information, or to purchase a kiwi print for your living room, email: .

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