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Thanks to an active intervention program, at Whangarei Heads we really do have kiwi in our backyard.

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November 3rd, 2018

2018 October Update

It’s springtime and the chicks are hatching!

Backyard Kiwi Predator Control Programme :

Catches in the predator traps have been low for this time of year:

October: Stoats 0, Weasels 2, Cats 1, Rats 58, Hedgehogs 19 and 18 possums. The expanded trapping in the Kiwi Link area inland from us and the 1080 pulse at Manaia must be putting a big dent in the wider stoat population. Kiwi Link groups got 164 stoats last season!

Dog killed kiwi

Last month I reported on the dog killed kiwi found at Kauri Mt. Locals recently found two more long dead kiwi in the same area – they may well have been killed at the same time as the first one found. Hopefully it was a one off, possibly a visiting rock fisherman’s dog that was not being controlled. Please remind any visitors to control their dogs or ring dog control 4381637.

Kiwi nest gets mowed

This week locals found a kiwi egg on a steep roadside bank after the WDC mower/slasher had been through.  When I checked it out the egg was dead – cold and undeveloped but higher up the bank was a deep kiwi burrow with dad and second egg. He may have got a scare when the mower mowed his nest and tipped the first egg out (see attached picture). I will keep a discrete eye on the nest and see what happens.

Sick Kiwi

A sick kiwi was found by landowners during the daytime team in a paddock at Robinson Road. It was taken to the WNBRC center but later died. The autopsy showed parasites in the lungs – these have been sent to Massey for checking.


What your radio tracked Backyard Kiwi have been up to:

The chicks are hatching…

  • Darwin – At Lamb road, has finished nesting and moved back to the quarry pampas.
  • Lambert – This keen guy has re-nested already. 8 days on 25/10/18.
  • Whitu – Has re-nested too, in pampas at the freezing works. 21 days on 25/10/18, 2.5 hours activity.
  • EB –In pampas at Kerr rd. Activity still high at 11.5 hours.
  • Pakipaki – After 18 months in McLeod Bay she has moved over to Taurikura by the School. The school are very happy to have another kiwi neighbour.
  • Ross  – He has now spent the last 5 months in the area just inland from Solomon’s point, opposite the boat ramp, his activity is still high – 11 hours per night.
  • Harikoa – In Ross’s pines at Taraunui road.
  • Mokopuna  and Wally –  This new couple have got on with things and Wally was 37 days nesting on 19/10/18 with an average 2 hours nightly activity. Moko is nearby.

ONE program (funded by Kiwis for Kiwi):


13 chicks have successfully been transfer to Limestone so far. Only the Acrobat to finish the first round of nests.

  • The Acrobat –Usual area in Lovell’s fenced bush. Nesting 63 days on 29/10/18 activity 4 hours.
  • Waimarie – Finished Nesting in paddock south of LUFB, 1st chick LC1813 transferred 17/10/18. 2nd chick dead in nest 29/10/18- 6 days dead by data stream – unknown cause..
  • Ngutu Roa- Nesting finished. Hatched two chicks LC1806 transferred to Limestone 2/10/18, LC1807 transferred 10/10/18.
  • Sancho- He hasn’t re-nested after failed nest.
  • CFU – Nesting finished. First chick LC1804 transferred 2/10/18. 2nd chick LC 1809 transferred 17/10/18
  • Kimposter – nesting NE ridge hatched two chicks –LC1808 transferred 2/10/18, second chick LC1810 transferred 10/10/18.
  • Mila  – still high activity.
  • Nick – Has finished nesting in  LUFB just in from hives. 1st egg was rotten and he had rolled it out of nest on 12/9/18. Found second chick hatched but dead 2/10/18- no obvious sign of predation-quite rotten..
  • Matarakau- finished nesting above the airstrip. Hatched 2 chicks- LC 1811 and 1812 transferred 10/10/18.
  • Ngaro – above the airstrip, still high activity.

Other happenings:

The Tutukaka Landcare release of three kiwi (Kim, Harry and FOMLI) from our combined ONE program was a very successful team effort.

Heather and her team have the “Take the Lead” video on responsible dog control ready to release – watch out for upcoming dates.


Todd Hamilton

Backyard Kiwi Project Manager

Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum

M 021 1145 385



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