Come and see a kiwi in your backyard!
Author Archive
2019 Kiwi Release
January 24th, 2019Take the Lead -Video Premiere
November 11th, 2018We love our dogs and we love having kiwi in our back yard
2 new video stories premiere in September
August 23rd, 2018“It’s my egg” and “Kiwi Monitoring”
Butter Factory hosting the premiere of “Kiwi Monitoring”
August 23rd, 2018Thanks to the Butter Factory who are hosting the screening of “Kiwi Monitoring”
Premiere “It’s my egg (and you can’t have it!)”
August 23rd, 2018Parua Bay School is hosting the 1st public screening
“The Kiwi Release” 30th of June
June 17th, 2018Get your party outfit on for a Red Carpet Screening of “The Kiwi Release”.
Join us on the 30th June at 7.30 pm, McLeod Bay Hall.
How come you have kiwi in your backyard?
May 3rd, 2018The 2018 Wild Dunedin Festival of Nature invited four stalwarts of the Backyard Kiwi Project to the 2018 Wild Dunedin Festival of Nature.
Todd Hamilton, Helen Moodie, Heather and Martin Hunt were asked asked to explain.
How come you have kiwi in your backyard?
The Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group hosted a talk at the Portobello Hall.
“Kiwi in our backyard – Yeah right!
Peter Hayden introduced the Backyard Kiwi team to a packed hall and Rod Morris fielded questions from the floor. They were quizzed on all aspects of the Backyard Kiwi Project – the Science, pest and predator control, community and how we tell our story.
Unpicking how these different aspects work together and feed into kiwi recovery at Whangarei Heads led to a lively exchange of ideas providing food for thought for both groups.
Todd and Heather presented at the Orokunui Sanctuary where visitors enjoyed an impassioned ‘Todd Talk’ learning about kiwi physiology, psychology and sociology.
Heather demonstrated how she draws her scratchy kiwi and the Otago children applied their new found kiwi knowledge drawing wildly scratchy kiwi with nostrils at the end of their bill, big ears, hair-like feathers and strong legs.
Dunedin children got first hand knowledge of stoat trapping from Todd at a session at Wild Dunedin HQ.
Dunedin Public Library was an excellent venue for a SHOUT OUT LOUD reading of “it’s my egg (and you can’t have it)” and to show the “Darwin’s Spring Chicks”video story.
Heather’s storyboard workshop at the Dunedin City Art Gallery was a unique opportunity for aspiring picture book illustrators.
In between presentations the Backyard Kiwi team were immersed in the wild nature of the Otago Peninsula. We wish to thank the Wild Dunedin Festival committee for inviting us to talk about our project, offering us some insight into what is happening around the Otago Peninsula and sharing your generous hospitality.
Find out about the Wild Dunedin Nature Festival
Filming our stories
April 18th, 2018Darwin obliges along with the rest of the Backyard Kiwi team as we work with a professional film crew to record our stories.
Parua Bay Community Welcomes Kiwi
March 12th, 2018Sunday 11th of March marked a special day for Parua Bay Community,
2018 Kiwi Release
February 26th, 2018Come and see a kiwi in your backyard! (more…)