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Thanks to an active intervention program, at Whangarei Heads we really do have kiwi in our backyard.

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Murdoch is named in honour of local Parua Bay community stalwart Murdoch Ross who passed away in 2023.
Murdoch (known previously as LC1607 – our seventh chick transfer for the 2016 season) spent 6 years on Matakohe before we caught up with him again and transferred him to Parua Bay as part of the Backyard Kiwi public release there in March 2023. He was a star of the release and his namesake would have been very proud of his good work engaging kiwi with locals and helping kiwi recovery in the area.

January 2025

On his second nest. The nest is very close to his spring nest, under a couple of old man wilding pines in the valley of bush on Halses’ block at Ross Road. As of late last week he was 82 days nesting, first hatch 16 days ago by data stream and  waiting on a possible second hatch.

Decmber 2024

On his second nest. The nest is very close to his spring nest, under a couple of old man wilding pines in the valley of bush on Halses’ block at Ross Road  42 days nesting on 20/12/24 and 3 hours nightly activity so looking good. 

Murdoch’s 2nd nest

November 2024

Has re-nested – 13 days in on 20/11/24 and 4.5 hours activity. In his usual area between Ross Road and the end of Owwhiwa Road. He was down to 1750g and in poor condition after his first nest so I hope that he has the gas for this one if it doesn’t rain soon.

October 2024

Successfully hatched two chicks on Debbie’s block between Ross Road and the end of Owhiwa Road. Nesting 83 days on 14/10/24. No hatch shown on the data stream but his activity rose to 6.5 hours so I did a nest check and found two healthy chicks . They have been ID chipped and photographed for locals to name.  Dad was 1750g and Poor condition after his nesting effort.   

Murdoch’s 2nd chick

September 2024

On Debbie’s block between Ross Road and the end of Owhiwa Road. Nesting 66 days on 27/9/24. 2 hours of activity. His nest burrow is close to where we removed Om’s transmitter so they seem to have stuck together.

August 2024

On Debbie’s block between Ross Road and the end of Owhiwa Road. Nesting 34 days on 26/8/24. A good low 2 hours of activity. His nest burrow is close to the spot that we removed Om’s transmitter so they seem to have stuck together.

July 2024

On Halses’ block closer to the Ross Road side. His activity has dropped and he has started nesting; 8 days in on 31/7/24.  4.5 hours activity at this stage and this should drop as he settles in to incubating.

May 2024

He and Om have headed back from the end of Ross Road towards the end of Owhiwa Road again. They are in the native bush there.  11.5 hours activity.

March 2024

He has headed into the native bush in the valley SE of his recent nest (back towards Ross Road). He seems to be staying down deep near the creek and wetter areas. 10.5 hours activity. Om has headed that way too

February 2024

At the end of Owhiwa Road. His data stream showed a hatch at day 71 of nesting but 7 days later when I pinged him again he had left the nest and was up to 10 hours activity i.e. not nesting!  There was egg shell and membrane in the pampas nest but no sign of a chick, dead or alive. Murdoch was 100m down the hill in a tomo – I did his tx change – 1850g and Poor condition after his nesting effort.

January 2024

His second nesting attempt did last long but he quickly had a third attempt which is going well. The nest is in pampas between Ross and Owhiwa roads. 46 days in on 15/1/24 and 4 hours activity, so he is holding ok.

December 2023

He has remained at the end of Owhiwa road. As suspected his activity was too high and his nesting attempt of November failed, but he has rapidly got on to having another go; 14 days in on 14/12/23 and a better 4 hour nesting activity.

November 2023

He has remained at the end of Owhiwa road. His data stream was showing 11 days of nesting on 14/11/23, but his activity was high for nesting at 9 hours nightly so it looks like a failed second nesting attempt.

October 2023

After successfully hatching two chicks he has remained near the end of Owhiwa road. 10 hours nightly activity.

September 2023

After being released back in March and wandering North to the area between the end of Owhiwa and Ross Roads he has made himself at home and successfully hatched two chicks. The chick timer transmitter didn’t pick up the hatches but after 82 days the data stream showed his increasing activity so I had a careful nest check: there were 2 healthy chicks so ID chipped them.  The landowner there had just passed away so we named the older chick “Ted” after him. Locals are naming the second chick.  Ngaire is working with Kiwi Link trappers at increasing the trapping in this area with the new chicks being a great incentive. I did Murdoch’s transmitter band change – Down to 1750g and in poor condition after his nesting stint.

Murdoch’s chicks

August 2023

46 days nesting on 16/8/23 at the end of Owhiwa Road. He is showing good low nesting activity of 2 hours nightly. Om is definitely nearby so they may be a pair.


July 2023

This guy is well and truly settled in now after moving north to the end of Owhiwa Road. He has started nesting – 23 days in on 24/7/23, activity 4 hours nightly (see pic). Om is not far away so they may be a pair. This is the furthest north that we have ever monitored a nest so big news for the locals.

Murdoch’s nest

June 2023

After a fair bit of moving he seems to have settled  in the area between the end of Owhiwa and Ross Roads for now.   10.5 hours of activity.

May 2023

He keeps working his way north  and is now between the end of Owhiwa and Ross Roads.    12 hours of activity.

April 2023

He is still on the move and now has headed east  and is now somewhere east of the end of Owhiwa Road- towards the end of Ross Road (named after his family!).  12 hrs activity.

March 2023

After spending some time at the end of Ross Road he has headed north up the valley of native bush that Owhiva Road wraps around. 11.5 hrs activity.

March 2023

After being released back in March and wandering North to the area between the end of Owhiwa and Ross Roads he has made himself at home and successfully hatched two chicks. The chick timer transmitter didn’t pick up the hatches but after 82 days the data stream showed his increasing activity so I had a careful nest check: there were 2 healthy chicks so ID chipped them (see pics).  The landowner there had just passed away so we named the older chick “Ted” after him. Locals are naming the second chick.  Ngaire is working with Kiwi Link trappers at increasing the trapping in this area with the new chicks being a great incentive. I did Murdoch’s transmitter band change – Down to 1750g and in poor condition after his nesting stint

Manaia Ross with Murdoch

Murdoch was a star at  the Kiwi Release

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