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Thanks to an active intervention program, at Whangarei Heads we really do have kiwi in our backyard.

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May 9th, 2024

2024 April Report

Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum AGM

The WHLF is a crucial platform that allows many of our community groups to carry out their important work at the Heads. The WHLF AGM will be held on a Sunday afternoon, following a ‘field trip’ at the Hunt’s Robinson Road block, where discussion points include wetland creation, transition forestry options following pines. Please come along and invite any interested friends and neighbours.

When and where:

Sunday 26 May, 3.00 pm, Martin and Heather Hunts, 102 Robinson Road, Taurikura.

WHLF Bittern Evening

Over 50 interested locals got along to the “In Search of Boomers” Bittern evening run by WHLF recently. (see pic)

Strong interest in Bittern

Bittern illustration  by Heather Hunt

They heard from DoC Bittern Experts Emma Williams and Harry Caley via zoom on the big screen at Whangarei Heads School (thanks for hosting!) and also Ngaire Sullivan of Kiwi Coast on recent Bittern monitoring. The scientists are working hard on the threats to Bittern and what we need to do help them thrive. There are definitely a few in our area and we will update you when and how we plan to monitor them next spring/early summer.

Tutukaka Landcare and Te Whanau a Rangiwhakaahu Marae Kiwi Release at Matapouri 

At the FOMLI whakawhatea and TLC release over 350 people got to meet their kiwi up close and hear about the crucial need for dog control and support for kiwi saver (1080) controlled ground based pulses for stoats.  A huge team effort by many groups working together for the good of kiwi. Fantastic day.

Kiwi Count starts May 27
 Wonderful to have 7 new young, keen and competent call counters trained up to join our hard working kiwi counting team at the Heads – we have 19 sites to cover.  Thanks to old hands Geoff and Luke for helping with the training session and the Hunts for loaning their shed and kiwi for the venue.

Backyard Kiwi monitored kiwi update for March 24

The still dry conditions have the kiwi still moving about but we have managed to catch up with a few that were off the radar last month.

What your kiwi have been up to

Road kills

Road kill -Sub-adult; no ID chip

  • 14/4/24 – Sub-adult; no ID chip, 1080g (ironically), 80.8mm at usual spot between McLeods and Nook rd (see pic).
  • 28/4/24 -2nd one was also a sub-adult and was dropped into the Doc office

Although always sad see roadkill these two kiwi are a positive indicator of the effectiveness of the stoat control in the area – quality trapping with regular targeted kiwi saver / 1080 pulse to get trap-shy stoats.

Parua Bay Release
The three kiwi released back in Feb are still going well:

  • Manaaki–  He has had a bit of a wander around Martins’ pine block on Owhiwa Road but usually circles back.  His nightly activity is much more settled now and good and high at 12 hours nightly.
  • Sandy– He has still only moved a maximum of 500m from his release area.  12.5 hours nightly activity.
  • Kotahitanga– Unlike the other two this guy has gone on a big walk. As reported we lost contact with him last month – we did lots of searching with no signal.  Carl from PNLC has saved us again by picking up his signal over their way (Pataua North) and he is now monitoring him. Another example of Kiwi Link in action

Whangarei Heads/Parua Bay  Radio monitored kiwi:  

  • Chookie– Cruising about his territory south of Martins’ hut.  Owhiwa Road. Should be feeding up for breeding. 11.5 hours activity.
  • Teina– He has headed back up to the top of his valley of pines at the north end of Martins’ pine block. 11 hours activity.
  • Beach Girl – She has still been hanging in the pampas at the top end of Teina’s valley  on the Martins’ and Halses’ blocks boundary between Owhiwa and Ross Roads. She spent some time in the pampas close to OM and Murdoch who had travelled south to within 100m of her. Her nightly activity is 11 hours.
  • Murdoch – He and Om kept travelling south and spent time in the pampas in the cutover pines on Halses’ place (near Beach Girl) at the end of Ross Road.  They have now started working their way north again in the big valley of native bush at the end of Owhiwa Road. 11 hours activity.
  • Om– Like Murdoch she has come down the valley of native bush leading to Ross Road to the pampas area and then headed back up it.  Interesting to see them travelling as a pair.  11 hours of nightly activity. Tried to catch up with her to remove her tx (transmitter) but she was elusive in the pampas. (see pic)
  • Humphries – He has moved back to the NE side of the Martins’ block nearer Tauranui Road, 11.5 hours nightly activity.
  • Tanker–Moving between the road boundary and the main creek on Martins’ pine block. 9.5 hours activity.
  • Wally– Down in the wetland by the estuary at the end of Campbell Road. Did his transmitter change; 2250g and Good condition. 11.5 hours activity. Getting ready for breeding.
  • Waewae– Has stayed in the dense pampas in the McLeod Bay Horse paddock. 11.5 hours activity.


OM’s pampass

Fetu Mama

Whareora Landcare area:

  • Fetu Mama – Maybe it is the dry conditions or maybe she is looking for a mate but she has been moving big distances in the NRC pines between Mt Tiger and down towards Onerahi. Rolf and I finally caught up with her down towards Awaroa River Road (up behind the old Money factory). She has grown to 2450g in weight and has a bill of 136.5mm, good condition cf 2200g, 122.7mm and G on 24/8/23. (see pic)
  • Te Motu Manu Hine – Spent a lot of time and miles looking for her since her last signal on 12/2/24 and finally got her signal again 22/4/24. She has headed south from her spot in the pines close to Mt Tiger Road.  She is still in the NRC pines but now down towards the Onerahi side. 11.5 hours nightly activity.
  • Rosvall – You may have seen this girl in the paper or in the News. It was the most-read story across all of RNZ for the entire week! It was great to see this wild hatched adult female turn up. She is now ID chipped and named. There was plenty of good publicity about the location of her being found at Rosvall sawmill.  It is Whareora Landcare’s good stoat and dog control that has ensured that she has made it to adulthood in the area  (and the rest of Kiwi Link groups too!). She cruised off happily when Rolf and I released her in the nearby NRC pine block. (see pic)
  • Fish – PNLC monitoring – After dropping off the radar for a while Carl has found him again.


Purua ONE dads

Lesley and Yagi from Kiwi Coast found a new potential dad and a chick for the transfer program to Limestone Island.

Rarewarewa/Purua ONE dads: no sign of late/early nests.

  • Moondust– Julia monitoring
  • Buddha– In  the paddock north of McGraths’ quarry.  Did tx change.  2275g,  Moderate condition. 10 hours of activity.
  • Macio – East of Kauri Tree Ridge in south Purua.  Only a weak signal so he must be deep in the crater (Purua is an old volcano).
  • Otiria –  He has still been moving around and is currently in the rank kikuya in the paddock north of Geroge’s  bush. 11.5 hours activity.
  • 64 – Has moved to the wet area in the paddock NW of George’s bush (see pic). Did his transmitter change 2300g, Mod-good condition – no girl with him. 10 hours activity.
  • Tahi – Near the eastern reserve boundary fence with Alisons’ farm.  11 hours of activity.
  • Rua – Up the back of Alisons’ farm – 11.5 hours activity.
  • Derek– On  “Stump” Ridge South-East Purua reserve. 12 hours activity.
  • Fletcher– No signal this month.
  • New adult male named “Sam” by McGraths.  Found by Yagi on the stream bank in the paddock just SW of Purua reserve boundary.  2000g, 104.8mm, Mod-good condition.
  • LC  2305 – Chick found by Yagi in paddock just SW of the reserve.  Transferred to Limestone.

Trapping/ toxin pulses
April catches: Stoats 1, Weasels 5, Cats 0, Rats 98, Hedge Hogs 3, possums 6

Cheers Todd

Todd Hamilton

Backyard Kiwi Project Manager

Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum

M 021 1145 385




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