Useful links

Thanks to an active intervention program, at Whangarei Heads we really do have kiwi in our backyard.

Read more!

May 27th, 2016

Workshop and Competition

Weed Action Whangarei Heads will be running a free weed control workshop on Sunday 29th May, 2pm at the Whangarei Heads School Hall.

We will be demonstrating lots of different control methods for the different weed species invading our gardens, coastlines and forests (there is a great selection to demonstrate on in the bush adjacent to the school…).

There will also be information on what specific weeds to be on the look out for out here, so we can stop weeds before they spread,  and on how you can access free equipment and herbicide for tackling weeds in your own little piece of Whangarei Heads paradise.

We would love to see everyone there – the weeds won’t stand a chance against the whole Whangarei Heads community!

For more information check out our Facebook page, ‘Weed Action Whangarei Heads’, or you can call me, Jo, on 022 056 2277, or email


Moth Plant pods


Moth plant pod collection competition!

Right now, festooned along road edges, draped over fences, and weighing down native trees, you will see moth plant vines covered in great big fat seed pods. Each of these pods contains up to 1000 seeds that can be dispersed for kilometres in the wind, creating 1000 more nasty moth plant vines to invade our forests.

Weed Action wants everyone to collect as many of these seed pods as they can, before they release their seeds. As an incentive, for every 10 pods collected, pod-collectors will receive an entry into a prize draw for two generously donated prizes – a pass for four people to experience the tree-top challenge courses at Adventure Forest in Glenbervie (check out to see how cool this place is), and a $50 voucher for the Parua Bay Tavern.

The pods can be dropped off to the Whangarei Heads School on our weed workshop day, Sunday 29th May, between 1pm and 4pm, or at the Tamaterau Reserve on Wednesday 8th June between 8.30am and 11.30am, or you can arrange to drop them in to me directly.

Don’t forget to wear gloves when handling the pods to avoid the white sap which is a skin irritant, and to bag them up in a rubbish bag to contain any seeds from splitting pods.

(For more information check out our Facebook page, Weed Action Whangarei Heads, or you can call  Jo, on 022 056 2277, or email


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